Elevating local
leaders' voices

G7 Urban7
The G7 Urban7 (U7) advocates for a continuous dialogue between the G7 nations and municipal actors represented by national associations and supported by international city networks. It addresses the G7 Presidency and is moved forward by a strong urban alliance. The U7 Group is chaired by the U7 Secretariat consisting of ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability and the Global Parliament of Mayors (GPM) as well as the city association from the country leading the G7 that year. In 2025, the G7 Presidency is held by Canada and thus the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) is fulfilling that role in the U7 Group.
U7’s long-term goal is to be recognised as an official G7 Engagement Group.

“We emphasize the transformative power of cities worldwide as drivers for sustainable development.
We will continue our cooperation on sustainable urban development and task our relevant Ministers to discuss concrete actions to reduce spatial inequalities, protect the environment and climate, and promote smart and innovative economies in urban areas."
G7 Leaders’ Communiqué
June 13-15, 2024
G7 leaders met in Borgo Egnazia (Fasano) in Apulia (Italy) the G7 Summit. G7 Leaders and ministers continuesly acknowledged the importance of cities, their networks and associations in recent Communiques, pointing to the crucial role cities will play in achieving, among others, climate neutrality and democratic values.
Mayors Summit 2023
2 March Tokyo, Japan, and online
G7 city leaders gathered in Tokyo and online for the third annual U7 Mayors Summit. They presented their Mayors Declaration, which was drafted collaboratively by the national city networks of the G7 members and the U7 Secretariat.